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luni, 21 noiembrie 2011

Trezirea spirituala : viziune alternativa :)


The core principle of freedom
Is the only notion to obey
The formulae of evolution and sin
Leading the way

The rebirth is near compeletion
As we slowly awaken from slumber

The malpractice of the spirit ends
While the gift is once again attained
No rules or restraints are no longer valid
While the ancient future is reclaimed

Its all there for the eyes that can see
The blind ones will always suffer in secrecy
For it is the omen
Of what lies submerged - breeding
Untouched within us - bleeding

To receive the light that shines in darkness
The light that shines forevermore

Be the broken or the breaker
Be the giver or the undertaker
Unlock and open the doors
Be the healer or the faker
The keys are in your hands
Realize you are your own sole creator
Of your own masterplan

Artist: Dimmu Borgir
Album: Abrahadabra (2010)

2 comentarii:

  1. Buna seara Corinna si bun gasit,
    Black metal-ul are darul sa te scoale si din morti, fata de muzica de meditatie care de cele mai multe ori te-adoarme...

    Si daca din intamplare tot trezindu-te si atipind la loc, prin meditatie, te nimeresti in astral.. te lovesti de rockerii astralopiteci, care bujbecaie demult pe-acolo, pentru ca s-au trezit inaintea ta...

  2. Dan, muzica black metal uneori reuseste sa te trezeasca mai tare decat multe alte lucruri. Atat din somn cat si din ignoranta (surprinzator pentru multi).
